Summer is here!

We don't know how but the end of the school year has arrived. I know that you want to switch off from school but I recommend you to keep your English alive. How?  First, write a POSTCARD to the School! You have 2 OPTIONS:

Moreover, here you have a list of some webpages that may be interesting to have a look during the long summer break.

1. Read and listen to about amazing animals
Resultat d'imatges de national geographic kids

2. Learn about the SPACE and play GAMES

Resultat d'imatges de nasa kids

3. Watch videos about WALLACE & GOMIT and PLAY with them

Resultat d'imatges de wallace and gromit channel

Resultat d'imatges de wallace and gromit web

Resultat d'imatges de summer fun

Between some bathing in the pool and sand castle building in the beach, here you can acces to some activities, so you can enjoy practising your English! 

In the British Council page you can practise vocabulary, play games, watch stories, listen to songs, do arts and crafts activities and much more...

Resultat d'imatges de british council kids

Resultat d'imatges de edu365 angles

In this Edu 365 page you will find stories, vocabulary practise and many other proposals to keep your English alive ;D

TV3 has many programmes to promote the use of English ...

Resultat d'imatges de tv3 and c33

Fish & Chips is a programme where two schools have a competition

Resultat d'imatges de tv3 promocio angles
In draw me a story you can listen and watch fantastic stories with cute art

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